Monday, March 2, 2009

Daisy Owl is Amazing

Okay, so have all the webcomics kids discovered Daisy Owl yet or is this something I can feel smug about liking "before it was cool"?

The humor/art is somewhere between Pictures for Sad Children and Achewood, with just a dash of Calvin & Hobbes. Which is another way of saying it's insightful, creative, and wonderfully silly.

Here is an example of one of their many fine panels:

If you click on the panel, it will take you to the full comic.

I chose this panel because picking up children is basically what an elementary school ALT does all day, and I am worried that this ingrained behavior will carry over to other portions of my life. Like maybe I will be at a party and want to introduce myself to a person, but instead of shaking their hand like a normal person, I will instead pick them up, spin them around, flip them over my shoulder, and maybe give them a pile-driver.

Come to think of it, that may be how my parents met...

(Ben Driscoll, I hope you do not mind me putting one of your fabulous panels in my blog, but come on man, I compared your work to CALVIN & FREAKING HOBBES)

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