Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Japanglish Fantasy League Vocabulary #4

Homodachi - n. 1). Your gay friend. 2). Your "Hetero Life Partner" 3). Pretty much anyone in the room at karaoke after five double shots of whiskey and "Total Eclipse of the Heart"

See also: Tomodachi, Homo, Bromance, Bro-hug, Good Game

Why we need this word: We don't particularly need this word, but it is fun to say. What's more, this linguistic corruption often gets a laugh out of native speakers too.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Frostbite frost bites

So tired of winter without insulation. The worst is when we occasionally have a warm day, and you remember what not being cold all the time feels like, and then you want the world to die.